Christmas/Holiday Breakfast

Christmas/Holiday Breakfast

Please join us in appreciation of your support in 2023 as we look ahead to the bright and exciting plans in store for 2024! We have some exciting and fun things planned as well as a nice breakfast~

Festive Present Exchange!
Bring a wrapped present and join in the fun.
$15 - $20 spending limit

We also invite you to wear your most festive Christmas/Holiday sweater for the Who Wore It Better Sweater Contest, whether it's ugly, funny, or pretty (Please keep the sweater Family Friendly!)

We look forward to seeing you!


Event Information

Event Date 12-14-2023 8:30 am
Event End Date 12-14-2023 10:00 am
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 14
Individual Price Free
Location Portland Processing & Distribution Center

We are no longer accepting registration for this event